Edward Vaughan Dixon


Job title

Head of Sustainability, Private Markets

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Ed is Head of Sustainability for Aviva Investors’ £40bn Private Markets platform. As direct investors with broad private markets capabilities Ed leads a team of professionals, delivering ESG integration and engagement across multiple asset classes including direct real estate, private credit and private equity, at all stages of the investment lifecycle.  

Experience and qualifications

Ed has over 22 years’ industry experience, starting his career as a carpenter in 2002 and progressing through construction project management, into sustainability consulting and corporate sustainability roles at Marks and Spencer, Mace Consulting and Landsec. He is an Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow at Bayes, one of the UK’s highest-ranking business schools, a Non-Executive Director at 5Y Technology, and a member of the advisory board at The Land Collective, a community interest company. He holds an undergraduate degree in Project Management, and an MBA with distinction from Bayes Business School in London. Edward has completed the Executive Sustainability Leadership course at the TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard, and the Corporate Affairs Academy at Saïd Business School, Oxford. 

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