Steve Waygood


Job title

Chief Sustainable Finance Officer

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Steve has always been fascinated by the power of money to change the world. He joined Aviva Investors in 2006, founding both the Global Responsible Investment team and also the Sustainable Finance Centre for Excellence. This seeks to transform capital markets so that they become more sustainable.

Experience and qualifications

Alongside Aviva Investors, Steve has also co-founded the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, the World Benchmarking Alliance, and the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative.

He started his career at WWF-UK in 1995, focusing on their ethical and environmental investment policy. Steve has subsequently advised the UK Government, the European Commission, the Financial Stability Board and the UN on the creation of sustainable capital markets.

He holds a PhD in Sustainable Finance from the University of Surrey. Steve is also an Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow at City’s Business School, University of London and a Senior Associate at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. He has received awards from Brummell, the International Chamber of Commerce, the City of London, the United Nations Foundation, Yale and Harvard.

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