Vaidehee Sachdev


Job title

Social Stewardship Lead

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

As the Social Stewardship Lead, Vaidehee leads the overall approach to engagement and voting on social issues. Vaidehee also acts as Special Advisor to the Aviva Investors Social Transition Global Equity Strategy. Vaidehee was formally our Social pillar lead and played a leading role in the initial design of our Social Transition Global Equity strategy, including our proprietary Transition Risk (T-Risk) model and company deep dives, given her expertise and work on human and labour rights.

Experience and qualifications

Vaidehee worked in the NGO sector prior to joining Aviva Investors. This included developing a corporate reporting framework for workforce and labour practices at ShareAction, and delivering research on human rights abuses, corruption and minority groups for environmental and human rights organisations.

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