Our approach to infrastructure investing

Our dedicated and experienced origination team source high-quality infrastructure projects spanning debt and equity, with a focus on stable, long-term income generation. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations are integrated into our origination process and ongoing management of projects. Where relevant, ESG factors are binding objectives of certain strategies and client mandates.*

Potential benefits

Scale and reach

We are direct investors in infrastructure, utilising our extensive network to source opportunities. As one of the largest non-bank lenders in Europe , our reputation as a trusted counterparty in European infrastructure provides access to a wide range of opportunities. We utilise our in-house expertise together with specialist platforms to create long-term pipeline and scale.

Diversification and inflation hedging

We combine proprietary research with sector and industry expertise to originate and structure transactions. We focus on delivering appropriate risk-adjusted returns from infrastructure where favourable supply and demand dynamics support the role of private investment. Rigorous relative value analysis is an essential part of our portfolio construction process.

Supporting the climate transition

As a leader in sustainable real assets, our investment capabilities include solutions that support the climate transition. We actively measure and manage carbon emissions that are avoided, reduced or removed, as an integral part of our investment process.

*ESG integration means the integration of ESG factors and consideration of sustainability risk as part of the investment decision making process. This process is applied beyond any specific binding constraints (in the objective or strategy of the fund as detailed in the prospectus or investment management agreement and in accordance with our Baseline Exclusions Policy). The investment manager retains discretion on decision making taking all risks into account, beyond any binding criteria.

Key risks of infrastructure investing

Investment risk

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Valuation risk

Where funds or mandates are invested in real assets such as infrastructure, investments may not be able to be sold, realised or liquidated when you want because the infrastructure assets may not always be readily saleable. If this is the case, we may defer your request or instruction regarding your investment. Investors should also bear in mind that the valuation of real assets such as infrastructure is generally a matter of valuers’ opinion rather than fact.

Need more information?

For further information, please contact our investment sales team.

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