Tanya Vinnikova


Job title

Investment Director

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Tanya is an Investment Director dedicated to Emerging Market Debt strategies. She works closely with the investment team to articulate their investment process, portfolio positioning, and investment performance with clients and consultants.

Experience and qualifications

Tanya joined the investment industry in 2005 and has worked at various investment banks including Goldman Sachs and UBS. Prior to joining Aviva Investors Tanya worked at Intesa Sanpaolo as a Business Director in Fixed Income sales with a focus on Emerging Markets. She holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Accounting and Finance from Bayes Business School, a Bachelor’s degree (BA Hons) in Business Management from Oxford Brookes University and has completed the CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing.