Delivering positive climate outcomes

Global warming is one of the greatest challenges of the modern world. The scale and urgency of change needed to ensure global greenhouse gas emissions are aligned with a 1.5 degrees Celsius pathway will impact every part of the global economy. As a committed investor, acting and supporting the transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient world is fully consistent with our values.

Our Sustainable Transition range targets opportunities linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that support and accelerate the transition to a sustainable future. Through the Climate Transition Real Assets Strategy, we provide investors access to an actively managed, diversified portfolio of real assets with an aim to reach net zero by 2040 in line with our corporate net-zero ambition. We take a unique and innovative approach designed for investors seeking:

Attractive returns and access to a diverse range of opportunities

Positive climate outcomes

Note: Outcomes may not be achieved.

A leading approach

Addressing climate change in real assets requires looking beyond a simple solutions strategy to maximise long-term return opportunities and impact potential. Our leading approach to climate transition encompasses a variety of real assets, including green solutions as well as sustainably managed assets with a targeted decarbonisation portfolio strategy.

Climate transition alignment

Direct investment in real assets to accelerate the climate transition and ambition to achieve net zero by 2040.

Investing with purpose

Attractive risk-adjusted returns, targeting eight per cent IRR net of fees over rolling five-year periods.

Multi-asset expertise

Portfolio construction based on identifying relative value across pan-European real estate, low-carbon infrastructure and sustainable nature-based solutions.

Note: The return target and net zero emissions ambition of the strategy are not guaranteed and may not be achieved.

Building better: Opportunities for DC schemes to invest in the climate transition through real assets

By investing in climate-aligned real assets, defined-contribution pension schemes can help propel the transition to a more sustainable future while also benefiting from portfolio diversification and attractive risk-adjusted returns, says Mark Meiklejon.

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Aviva Investors Climate Transition Real Assets webcast

01 Nov 2023 11:30 GMT 60 minutes

What lies ahead for real asset investors focused on the climate transition? Join portfolio managers James Tarry, Luke Layfield and Zoe Austin as they look back at how market turbulence has challenged real asset markets over the past 12 months, and discuss how this could present significant opportunities for climate-focused real asset investors.


Key risks

For further information on the risks and risk profiles of our strategies, please refer to the relevant KIID and Prospectus.

Investment risk

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up and can fluctuate in response to changes in currency and exchange rates. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Real estate risk

Investments in real estate may not be able to be sold, realised or liquidated when you want because real estate assets may not always be readily saleable. If this is the case, we may defer your request or instruction regarding your investment. Investors should also bear in mind that the valuation of real estate is generally a matter of valuers’ opinion rather than fact.

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Sustainable transition

A range of strategies investing in opportunities to accelerate change for Climate, People and Earth.

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