Aaron Grehan


Job title

Deputy Head of Emerging Markets Debt; Portfolio Manager, Emerging Markets Hard Currency

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Aaron is Deputy Head of Emerging Markets Debt and a senior portfolio manager with co-management responsibility for both hard-currency sovereign and corporate bond portfolios. He has been co-managing the hard currency strategy since he joined the team in 2010 and has comanaged the corporate focused strategy since launch in 2012. 

Experience and qualifications

Prior to joining the Emerging Markets Debt team in 2010, Aaron was a fund manager in the Liability Driven Fixed Income team with a focus on the construction and management of corporate credit portfolios. Before this, he held positions in the Credit team, assisting in the management of active sterling and euro corporate strategies, and Performance Measurement. Aaron holds the IMC and is also a CFA® charterholder. 

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