David Nowakowski


Job title

Senior Strategist, Multi-asset & Macro

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Working in the Investment Strategy team, David contributes to the ‘House View’ and the idea generation process across Developed and Emerging bond and currency markets, supporting the AIMS fund range.

Experience and qualifications

Prior to joining Aviva Investors, David was a director at Barings with responsibility for idea generation and scenario analysis for Fixed Income portfolios with a particular focus on currency, rates and credit strategies, as well as contributing to firm-wide macroeconomic views. Beforehand, David held numerous roles in investment management in New York and London, including Lazard Asset Management and The Rohatyn Group. He was also senior director of research at Roubini Global Economics, and has advised sovereign and corporate clients during his time at Citigroup/Salomon.

David holds a Master’s degree in Physics and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics from Harvard University, and a MSc in Economics from LSE.