Gregor Bamert


Job title

Head of Real Estate Debt

Contact details

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Gregor leads our Real Estate Debt team and has overall responsibility for the origination, execution, and ongoing management of real estate debt transactions for the full range of capital sources.

Experience and qualifications

Prior to joining Aviva Investors, Gregor spent 14 years at Barclays where he held a number of roles in both investment and corporate banking. He has worked on capital markets, financing and advisory transactions across Europe and South Africa. He has been active in real estate finance for over ten years, most recently as Managing Director of the London Real Estate team within Barclays Corporate. Gregor previously worked as a management consultant, specialising on the investment banking industry in both London and New York. Gregor holds an MA in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford University.

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