Latest equities thinking

  • China, inflation and politics: Three reasons for EM turbulence

    24 Feb 2022

    Emerging market assets have underperformed developed market peers over the past decade. While this has led to valuation gaps, selectivity will be critical, argues David Nowakowski.

  • Where the wild things are: Why investors should care about natural capital

    14 Dec 2021

    Finance must wake up to the risks associated with biodiversity loss and the opportunities that arise from nature-friendly solutions, argue Eugenie Mathieu, Julie Zhuang and Jonathan Toub.

  • Waste not, want not: An investor’s guide to the circular economy

    10 Dec 2021

    Using the examples of electronics, food, autos and fashion, we explore the benefits of, and challenges to achieving, a more circular economy.

  • The future of pharma: Increased returns or the age of biotech?

    8 Dec 2021

    After decades of low returns on research and development (R&D), the healthcare sector is producing a slew of innovations, from drugs to diagnostics. But with many coming from new entrants, will big pharmaceutical companies manage to keep up with the times?

  • The long decline: Why trend economic growth is set to go on falling

    12 Nov 2021

    Trend rates of economic growth, which have been on the decline for decades in the world’s leading economies, look set to fall further. That will have big implications for governments, companies, households and investors, argues Stewart Robertson.

  • Regulatory shifts in China: A new fork in the road?

    12 Oct 2021

    Investors in China should view recent interventions by the government in the context of its history and longer-term strategic ambitions, argues Amy Kam.

  • The taming of the few

    27 Aug 2021

    Despite accusations Big Tech companies are too powerful, their stranglehold across sectors will be hard to loosen. However, while investors need to keep a watchful eye on developments, Big Tech’s stranglehold on numerous economic sectors will be hard to loosen.

  • Are bond investors too complacent about inflation?

    11 Aug 2021

    US Treasury yields have fallen appreciably in recent weeks, seemingly dismissing the threat of rising consumer prices. Some investors could be in for a nasty surprise if inflation proves more intransigent than anticipated, argue Michael Grady and Katarina Cohrs.

  • Investors should confront the dark side of tech

    9 Jul 2021

    Technology firms are often favoured by ESG funds because of their ostensibly clean, asset-light business models. But investors need to look deeper and challenge unethical and unsustainable practices across the industry, argue Louise Piffaut and Charles Devereux.

  • China’s Big Tech crackdown

    5 Jul 2021

    Like Washington and Brussels, Beijing is worried about the growing power of large technology companies. But China’s regulators are taking swifter, more radical action than their peers in the West.

  • The Anti-Social Network

    2 Jul 2021

    Facebook, Twitter and other platforms are drawing criticism for their failure to tackle hate content. But will the hit to their reputation do any lasting commercial damage?

  • The taming of the few

    1 Jul 2021

    Regulatory authorities around the world are targeting the big US tech giants. However, while investors need to keep a watchful eye on developments, Big Tech’s stranglehold and influence on numerous economic sectors will be hard to loosen.

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