Abigail Herron


Job title

Global Head of Health and Nature Policy

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Abigail’s work focuses on reform of the financial markets to address systemic risks and market failures, with a particular focus on biodiversity loss and public health. She works within Aviva Investor’s Sustainable Finance Centre for Excellence, which seeks to transform capital markets so that they support long term sustainable development.  

Experience and qualifications

Abigail has experience across every aspect of buy-side sustainable investment. She is a chartered company secretary, a fellow of (and judge at) the Chartered Governance Institute, and a judge for the FT and the Investor Relations Society.
Abigail is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment. She holds a master’s degree in Sustainability Leadership focusing on antibiotic resistance from the University of Cambridge which won the Social Investment Forum and Principles of Responsible Investment award for best Masters thesis, 2020.

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