Nathan Leclercq


Job title

Head of Corporate Governance

Contact details

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Nathan works with fund managers and analysts in assessing Company corporate governance and remuneration arrangements, and engages with companies on material governance issues as part of Aviva Investors' investment considerations.

He has a key role in reviewing, updating and implementing the firm's voting policies. Nathan is also responsible for evidencing Aviva Investors' public voting-related disclosures and in reviewing the effectiveness of Aviva Investors' voting and engagement.

Nathan represents Aviva Investors on the Investment Association's Remuneration and Share Schemes Committee, Global Institutional Governance Network (GIGN) and the Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA).

Experience and qualifications

Nathan joined Aviva Investors in 2002 after a year at Northern Trust custodian bank where he supervised the outsourcing of proxy voting to ISS.

Prior to this, Nathan was with The Manifest Voting Agency where he gained his corporate governance experience as a research analyst and later moved on to the Voting Operations Department where he was responsible for the effective delivery of proxy vote instructions and client reporting on behalf of institutional shareholder clients, pension funds and local authorities.

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